"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Friday, February 11, 2005



a vibrant, holistic, biblical 21st century church
centered on God, captivated by Jesus Christ, for a living expression

to see…This is faith in Jesus Christ
to behold The Lord and Savior of the world – who He is, why He came and how He impacts every aspect of life.

to savor…This is worship of God
to contemplate the glorious splendor of His Majesty - to thoughtfully absorb and enjoy the profound wonders of His eternal glory.

to show forth…This is love for man
to creatively demonstrate to others the manifold ways that God has expressed His goodness, mercy and grace toward mankind.

This community of Christians will hold the Bible in high regard as the spiritual foundation to all we believe and do. In particular, we will focus upon the doctrines of grace*, in which Jesus Christ is always and in all ways central and supreme, that is, matchless! Since He is the greatest reality in the universe, He is worthy of our deepest passion to enjoy, worship and serve.
We will approach our cultural context with godly sensitivity, creativity and uncompromising convictions, by both living out and proclaiming the timeless message of a real God who has provided a real Savior for real sinners, lest one face real judgment. Our contextual approach will, under God, be free from self-righteous judgmentalism and free from pretense of all sorts, accepting people from all walks of life - just as they are - and introducing them to a God who cares enough not to leave them there!

Therefore, by cultivating Biblical literacy that produces heartfelt worship, the pulse of this community will be founded upon a vibrant, healthy and Biblical discovery of…
Jesus Christ, who loved me and gave Himself for me

*doctrines of grace:
God -a high view of the sovereignty, holiness and glory of God
Guilt -a truthful view of man’s state before his Maker
Grace -a clear view of the “unmerited” nature of Christ’s love
Gratitude -a comprehensive view of true good works