"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Ever Read Luther???

Martin Luther
Commentary on Galatians

I recall reading Luther's Commentary on Galatians for the first time in 1993. How impacted my Christian life was (and is) by what I read that day, as I surveyed the Declaration. While reading it, I called out to several of my roomates something like: "if this guy is saying what I think he is, this stuff is incredible." It was this paragraph in particular that arrested my attention and sparked in me an intense desire to read the entire commentary...several times now since those days in California. I pass this on to you for your edification...I could not recommend it enough...really. A reminder of good news, great news, radical news for a sin-sick soul!
(click on "Ever Read Luther" for the entire commentary)

"The greatest knowledge and the highest wisdom of Christians is not to know the law and to be ignorant of works, and of the whole active righteousness, especially when the conscience is wrestling with God. Contrary, among those who are not of God's people, the greatest wisdom is to know and to urge the law and the active righteousness. But it is a strange thing and unknown to the world to teach Christians to be ignorant of the law and to live before God as if there were no law; notwithstanding, except you be ignorant of the law and be assuredly persuaded in his heart there is now no law, nor wrath of God, but only grace and mercy for Christ's sake, you cannot be saved; for by the law comes the knowledge of sin. Conversely, works and the keeping of the law is strictly required in the world, as if there were no promise, or grace. " -Martin Luther 1523


Blogger Dave said...

i didn't know Martin Luther King Jr. was so profound

2:51 PM

Blogger Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

I didn't know MLK, Jr was 482 yrs old!

3:48 PM


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