"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jesus: Historical Figure or Myth?

From Dan Brown...to James Cameron...to the Jesus Seminar...skepticism about the Biblical record of Jesus abounds both outside the church (duh!) and more sadly, within. Could these nay-sayers be right? Was Jesus a myth created by the 4th century powers-that-be...in order to control the masses? Or, was Jesus a real, oxygen-breathing, fish-eating historical person? How do you know? Did you see Him? What evidence can you give for the historical claims of a real Jesus from Nazareth? What sensible reasoning can be given for His existence...because if He was not real...then no real dying for sin, no real rising from the dead...then the whole thing comes-a-tumblin-down! Then we are to be most pitied, for if Jesus didn't really exist, then He didn't really rise from the dead, so we are still in our sins. Best then to eat...drink...and be as merry as we can be!
But if there is sufficient evidence to present a plausible case...then Christianity is to be wholeheartedly adhered to by ALL human beings. The only options are to lie on the floor - drunk out of our gord...or lie on the floor - prostrate before God Almighty and His Son, King Jesus! We shall lie on the floor either way! No exceptions...for every knee shall bow...
So, as a result of some recent conversations with some doubting Thomas', I have spent some time researching some resources that can be of some help against the onslaught of A & E, Discovery, History channel skeptics who have devotes themselves to the destruction of faith in the historical Jesus of Nazareth, the God-Man, Lord, Savior, Wrath Bearer, The Way-Truth-Life and only forgiver of sin!
These resources may be of interest to those you know and the need they have to learn of what we believe and why we believe it.


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