"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Monday, August 11, 2008

SoulFest 2008 reflections

Thoroughly enjoyed the time up in Gunstock for Soulfest 08.
Met some humble, wonderful, Jesus-enthralled people there - from those I met at the seminar I presented, to those working hard behind the scenes, to those performing onstage! Just a sweet time for Cyndie, our girls and I! Thanks honey(s) for your support!

Thank you Dan for the invite. Thanks JVT for the finess of your friendship skills and introduction to many talented folks backstage.

I was truly humbled and honored to be a Mephibosheth-like spokesman for King Jesus!
Your love, O Lord, is intensly, majestically amazing!

You can check out the mp3 of the seminar:


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm glad all went well at Soulfest '08.

I know the Spirit of God was there in His Word.

I'm looking forward to listening to some of it later today.

Blessings to you and your family, Danny.

- Steve

9:33 AM


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