"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Friday, April 21, 2006


Here is Luther's bottom line about the nature of faith...and really what the grace of God is at core:
Is the nature of faith ACTIVE or PASSIVE on our part "for the obtaining of this righteousness"?
Luther asks / answers the gazillion $$ question:
"Do we then do nothing? Do we do nothing at all for the obtaining of this righteousness? I answer, Nothing at all!"

Please read this introduction of Luther in his commentary of Galatians (click here) and see how he unfolds the two angles of active & passive as it relates to the obtaining of righteousness. They are as far apart as heaven is from earth, spirit from flesh, grace from merit! I doubt you have ever read anything like this! And after you read it, please read your Bible and see if the type of language used in describing salvation portrays man as active or passive? One is red...and one is green...for a reason!

And for the record, check out this same emphasis on the nature of faith being both "passive" and "assuring" in John Calvin's definition of faith:

"We shall now have a full definition of faith, if we say that it is a firm and sure knowledge of the divine favor toward us, founded on the truth of a free promise in Christ, and revealed to our minds, and sealed on our hearts, by the Holy Spirit." (Institutes, Book 3, Ch 2.7 last sentence)

Just check it out for yourself and feel free to post your comments below.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

See with what large letters I am writing to you…(Gal 6.11)

Maybe this is not exactly what the Apostle Paul had in mind, but it got me thinking, so I’ll throw this your way…large letters. Large letters strung together make large words. Large words strung together have large meaning! And large meaning demands we be quiet, sit up and listen! Let me try to explain.

You read your Bible, right? It’s a big book with a lot of information spanning a long period of time – so, so long ago in the olden days, right? A lot of different people and a lot of various stories from back in the day? No doubt.

But have you ever taken notice of something? Something very interesting…something absolutely stunning…something simply and profoundly breath-taking!

As you read your Bible and as you come across story after story, character after character, situation upon situation with God and man doing the dance together we call life, has it really dawned upon your noggin and entered your heart that God is the One and only constant, never-ending character continuing from one storyline to another – to another – and another and so on, continuing on through each and every episode of documented Bible history? The One and only Person, yes Person - not idea or force - that is present from Genesis 1.1 to Revelation 22.21 is the Triune God –Father, Son and Holy Spirit! In the infamous words of Randy Jackson, “check it out”!

And not only that, but have you also taken note, keen, close note of what large letters, which together make up words, that are used to describe this ever-prevailing God? Have you really noticed precisely what kinds of words are chosen to be attached to God? Seeing that our little English, 3 letter, mono-syllabic word connecting G to the O to the D isn’t very big on the page, nonetheless they are gargantuan in every way when put together: GOD!

And not only that! Have you ever stopped to consider that words mean something? Small words like “tiny” or “puny” or “miniscule” mean something is little-like. Large words like “infinite” and “eternal” and “omnipotent” and “glory” and “holy” means something absolutely WOW-like! Think, my good friend, think! What kinds of Bible words are used to describe the God of the Bible? For example, Genesis 1.1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” or Exodus 3.14 “I AM WHO I AM”. Look if you will at Exodus 34.6,7 or Psalm 2.12 or Isaiah 6.1-7 or Job 41,42 or Ezekiel 16 & 37 or John 1 or Romans 9 or Ephesians 1 or Galatians or Colossians 1 or Hebrews and the Book of Revelation…or anywhere in the sacred Book! See what large letters, words, sentences and paragraphs God has used to describe Himself and His dealing with His creation, of which you and I are but only a part of! Become familiar with the “glory” of the Lord, be stunned, humbled, terrified even…and then watch Him, in Jesus Christ, the God-man, “stoop to our weakness, mighty as Thou art" and convince us that He loved us and gave Himself for us!
And from His fullness we have recieved grace upon grace upon grace....John 1.16!
‘nough said!