"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Monday, July 24, 2006

Humbled By My Silence...

I went to visit a friend's church this past Sunday. He and his wife led the congregation in singing praises to our Great God, right. At one point he reads a portion of Psalm 105. Then he boldly invited those in the congregation to follow the Psalmist, and "glory in His holy Name"...

...to which the collective silence was almost deafening! He even mentioned several specific people in the congregation, of which I was one, to "glory in His holy Name". Considering who this Infinite and Eternal God is, and all the incredible, jaw-dropping things He has done in all the universe, let alone in the very soul of this poor creature and the lives of my family and countless friends....you would think I/we were jumping at the invitation to delcare His marvelous works?

Sad to say, and I must confess and repent of my contribution to the silent ruckus, that I came up empty...pitifully empty and silent, as virtually most of the congregation, apart from a few thankful souls...

Is this a true indication of the severe weakness of our collective faith (at best) or the entire absence of it (at worst) ?

Ought the people created in the image of this incredible-in-every-way God, and on top of that purchased back to Him via the life, death and resurrection of His own dear Son (Yes, Jesus REALLY rose from the dead! Inconcievable!) ...bring to the table shouts of joy and leaps of praise? No, I am no advocate for superficial, fake, happy-clappy praise, with a phony smile plastered on our Sunday-go-to-meeting faces. But for those whom God has pardoned the countless offenses of His rightful rulership and ownership, placed His infinite wrath on His own Son instead of us, forgiven us our sin - not in part but the whole, placed His very own Spirit in our hearts and freely given us His life, joy and peace for both time and eternity....has brought us to know God and delight in God Himself as the greatest thing there is...doesn't He deserve our higest and most sincerely energetic praise?

Well, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't...but one day, I will. Forever and always this will be the priviledge of His children. I only yearn for more and more of that now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but on the other hand, what can we say? Adam and Eve didn't say much when they saw God after their fall. Moses couldn't say much at first glance at the bush. Isaiah couldn't say much when ushered to the throne room. Ezekiel was pefuddled when he saw the roaming cloud of Glory. Peter didn't say much when He saw God in a pair of sandles after a miraculous catch. Paul didn't say much when he was blinded by the light of the glory of Christ. John simply watched and took notes when he saw the revelation of the Christ.

so, take heart. you're in good company. proclaim his deeds in season and don't forget the nuggets in your pocket!

much love, dude.

1:57 PM

Blogger peg said...

let the rocks be kept silent for one more day! I too am humbled and convicted by my silence in the face of such a great God of glory! Up here the mountains never stop shouting his glory. May God grace my lips with the praise due his holy name!
wish we were gonna intersect with your time up here..enjoy,enjoy..we know you will!!

7:43 PM

Blogger peg said...

PS: We love you guys!!!
Give Cyndie a big hug for me!

7:51 PM

Blogger CyndieO said...

Time for a new post Daddy-O

3:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you Danny,
I am befagled and derailed every time I visualize I shudda been stoned, intead, I got what I didnt deserve....



If I could only sing Christ Jesus a song of praise'...


5:16 PM

Blogger CyndieO said...

I'm waiting

8:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him. I think this is one way to give him glory.

8:59 PM


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