"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Dialogue on Christian Unity

I have been in dialogue with some area Christians on The North Shore Christian Network (http://www.nscn.org/forums/category-view.asp ) discussing the subject on Christian Unity in the category of: "What is the Body of Christ". Consider joining in, networking with other Christians in the region, ministering and being ministered to. Below is my latest post:

Good morning,
As I continue my reading through the 1st letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, I have come upon a couple of most interesting verses that I think touch somewhat on the subject of Christian unity. Here it is...
In 1Corinthians 11:18, 19, St. Paul says:
“(18) For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you. And I believe it in part, (19) for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.”

Does this parenthetical verse (19) tell us something huge about the subject of Christian unity? Along with a couple of other important issues in need of gospel correction that are addressed in chapter 11, Paul hears through the grapevine that there are divisions among those in the Corinthian church (see the chs 1-3)…and incredibly seems to go on to state that there MUST BE factions (heresies, division) among them. Why? Why must there be divisions among those who claim the name of Christ? Doesn't Paul go on to answer that very question? He states the reason is that all may recognize the genuine and the “fraud”. Those who are genuinely Christ’s, because He and His cause is most precious to them, will be gathered together, while those who prove to be “frauds” need to be exposed and then are to be ousted from their midst...in order to maintain doctrinal and practical purity. (go back and read chapter 5 and see what St. Paul says about the “fraud”)
This verse presents us with some huge questions concerning Christian unity. May we not be sold on every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes along with mere lip service to the cause of Christ. God has given us His word…so let’s feast on it as Jesus instructed us, saying “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (St. Matthew 4.4) It is here, in the revealed word of God, that we can, ought, must be discerning in a day in age where discernment is as sharp as gumdrops! Sound Christian doctrine is the backbone to sound Christian practice. If we neglect the former...the latter will suffer greatly. So, for the sake of the glory of God, be known by others as a person of the Bible...both in what you know and how that has ravished your soul! Be known as one who has tasted the "Amazing Grace" of God in Jesus Christ...and gives expression in speaking (and living) the truth in love!
Why else is this verse in this sacred letter? If you have other thoughts, then please join in on what you see God saying here?
The peace of Christ be yours...


Blogger Dave said...

love ya danny, let's unify...

love the flurry of posts lately, keep em comin


5:25 PM

Blogger Dave said...

hey man,

let's dialogue about gratitude and it's role in sanctification. it has some pretty splitting implications. later...

5:31 PM

Blogger Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

yes my brother, lets pow wow!

I love Gerhard Forde's view of sanctification from a Lutheran perspective and the high place he has for a free, spontaneous and uncalulated overflow of gratitude for such a great salvation. Better yet is Calvin's addendum to justification...Christian liberty!
Also love the Heidelberg Catachism's mantra of guilt, grace and gratitude!
Speaking of gratitude, thankful for the hang with you and your bride! Love you guys!

5:52 PM


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