"The word of God is the greatest, most necessary, most important thing in Christendom. Without the external Word we would not know one spirit from another...Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture." - Martin Luther

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Vintage Whitefield

Here it is, scanned from an 1838 copy...the title?
into the first and chief reason why the generality of Christians fall so far short of the holiness and devotion of Christianity.

Check out this classic extract from George Whitefield's tracts. I found this in "Whitefield's Memiors", which was in the vault of the Archive Center, Newburyport Public Library! So worth the read. Get this:

"When you are near death as I am, you will know that all the different states of life, whether of youth or age, riches or poverty, greatness or smallness, signify no more to you than whether you die in a poor or stately apartment. The greatness of the things which follow death (heaven or hell) , makes all that goes before it slip into nothing...What a strange thing! That a little health or the poor business of a shop, should keep us so senseless of these great things that are coming so fast upon us!"

***free copy for the asking, while I work on getting it posted in text format***


Blogger Mathetes said...


that rocks

send one ova!


9:55 AM

Blogger Evan May said...

Whitefield had quite the advantage to live in the time period of that English Language. Today's English seems so bankrupt compared to how Edwards and Whitefield spoke. Nevertheless, I suppose we could have the vocabulary of Webster and stand before God and words seem so distant.

Thanks for providing the info.

Evan May

3:05 AM

Blogger Russell said...

Hey DOA!

How's it going up there? Glad to hear you had a good time SGLC. I'm sure you've heard our move went well; praise God.

Here is my url which you can also get to through my profile: www.sinequanonchurch1.blogspot.com

Dei Gratia

7:34 AM


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